GIAHS, The Essence of Kuttanad

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What is GIAHS?
GIAHS (Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems) is an evolving structure of communities. Moreover, through this programme, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN has designated over 89 sites around the world. Kuttanad is one of them.
The overall goal of the GIAHS Programme is to identify and safeguard agrosystems. They do so without losing their associated landscapes, agricultural biodiversity, knowledge systems, and culture.
Located in specific sites worldwide, they sustainably provide multiple goods and services, food, and livelihood security for millions of small-scale farmers.
Below showcases the recognition that has been given to Kuttanad for its Below Sea Level Farming system.

Objectives of the system:
Classify and offer care to nature friendly agricultural performs of tribal and local populaces around the world.
To manage revenue-based farming in a sustainable fashion through local farming communities.
Reinforce conservation and sustainable usage of resources.
Reduce negative effects of climate change and enhance rural development.
Attain poverty alleviation and food security.
Provide incentives for the locals with processes such as eco-tourism.

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Their agricultural, cultural, and ecological diversity is still apparent in several parts of the world. It is preserved as irreplaceable methods of agriculture. They represent exquisite natural landscapes and agricultural exercises. While providing livelihoods in rural expanses, it combines many aspects in a distinct way – ecosystems, biodiversity, innovation, and tradition in a distinctive way.
Kuttanad and GIAHS
In the face of climate change, Kuttanad provides environmentally sustainable strategies. It empowers the liberation of traditional family and smallholder farming under GIAHS.
Kuttanad practices reservation and sustainable management. It emphasises on exceptional traditional agricultural systems. It does so, by developing agricultural policies and regulations with an integrated approach. Meanwhile, promoting the capacity building of local institutions and empowerment of local communities.